Spot Whiskey
Spot Whiskey, a famous Irish family whiskey producer dating back to 1887, when Dublin merchant William Mitchell expanded his bakery to wine and spirit shop. At this time, it was common practice in Ireland for traders to buy whiskey from distilleries and let it mature in their own barrels after sherry or fortified wine in customs warehouses. The name Spot whiskey comes from Mitchell"s practice of marking barrels of different ages with a "spot" of different colors. On this basis, we distinguish whiskey Green Spot, Yellow Spot or more rare Red or Blue Spot. However, it was the Green Spot whiskey that became the most popular "spot" whiskey, and it was the only whiskey that has remained in continuous production to this day. Today, Spot Whiskey is part of Irish Distillers within Pernod Ricard, with production in Midleton for many years.
Green Spot is an Irish pot still whiskey with an average age of 7 to 10 years. Whiskey matures in a combination of new bourbon barrels and older sherry barrels. Every year, only a small amount of Green Spot whiskey is bottled, making it a rare and sought-after whiskey. Alcohol content 40%.