Recruitment & Hiring Process

Excellent People, Excellent Brands

“Are you interested in finding a job which will enable you to develop both professionally and personally?
Are you energetic, positive and willing to work in a dynamic environment?
Send us your curriculum vitae.


  • We advertise all opened positions on our website, public job websites or the LinkedIn social network.
  • You can use any of these platforms to apply for a job in our recruitment & hiring process.


  • If we find your curriculum vitae interesting, we will invite you for a personal meeting in the form of an interview with your prospective superior and a representative of the HR department.
  • We are interested not only in your work experience and educational background but in your personality in particular. We look for candidates who are active and willing to learn new things.
  • Our corporate culture is based on conviviality, entrepreneurial spirit and a proactive approach. Show us you are the same and become one of our team.


  • Candidates who have passed their interviews successfully are invited to the 2nd round – the all-day assessment centre, the purpose of which is to test their skills and motivation.
  • We will assign you individual and team tasks simulating model situations which help us discover your verbal, analytical and numerical skills. Furthermore, we also try to find out your preferred team roles. Our aim is to spend some time with you because in this way we get to know you better than in a standard interview.
  • You definitely do not need to be anxious about the assessment centre. As a whole, it has been designed to be a pleasant and beneficial experience for you, too. To thank our candidates, both successful and unsuccessful, for their invested energy and time spent at the assessment centre, we offer them feedback, including the results of personality questionnaires.


  • If you succeed at the assessment centre, there will be a third and simultaneously last round ahead of you, which is an interview with the director of the department where you are applying for a position.
  • When you have successfully passed this round, the recruitment & hiring process is almost complete and we will send you an official job offer.